Wednesday, 24 August 2011

In between grouting the new floors, sealing, sanding countertops, painting and generally sorting out a long list of chores, I snuck out to sand and finish this. Cherry resin tint 6'0 mini simmons all ready for its inaugural surf probably for tomorrow am. Results to follow, although I am hoping its possibly going to be bigger than predicted so I can score another session on the 6'1 Seedhouse.

Update - added the wonky chevrons for a bit of variance.


  1. Nice bit of kit - but - with a bigger sail, you could have had some fun with me and Andy


  2. Caught some bigger stuff up the far end after we saw you. It was a short session but the sets pushing through certainly made it worth while. Are you on for the am ?

  3. Lovely job! Now that I have my own mini simmons - I'm noticing them everywhere! Had my first surf on mine yesterday. Photos here:

  4. Thanks, yes I saw yours. Really nice looking board, wouldn't mind a small collection of them.

  5. Hahaaaa! As soon as I saw this I thought of Hannah... then I saw her comment above. You guys are making me want one of these tasty treats!

  6. I think I am going to have to post up a shot of my new little board rack out front of my house.
