Saturday, 20 June 2009

The Kitesurf question ?

I've just got off the water as the sun set, and was literally blown away by one person's ability to give. Hence, as we derigged in the failing light, I had to race back to share what I'd experienced.

Today was great as it was totally focused on the family, without even a hint of windsurfing/surfing. However, by 7pm the little folk were fast asleep and Laura needed the house free. With nowhere to go, a light westerly breeze led me to the beach. I thought I would give kiting one final shot, as it's sat in the garage gathering dust for so long now. Its even officially made my hit list for extraneous toys.
As a windsurfer, I always seem to shy away from kiting, and this reluctance to accept change is not a great asset. I am not proud of this, but I hope that by admitting it I can somehow atone for my sins.
So, I am really pleased to be able to write that from tonight, kitesurfing and I may have a future. Of course, this isn't just about flying kites, it is also about total strangers who have kite knowledge and then proceed not only to help you, but almost provide expert tuition. Its such a refreshing change from other sports, that someone can not only take the time to be friendly but be purely altrusitic and share the teachings and time with you. Thanks South African Gary (and Bev) for all your help tonight, it was really appreciated. See you on the water.

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